Secularism is the concept whereby government is in charge of “what changes with time” (secularum) and church is in charge of the theological matters. Lebanon has been adopting a secular state since 1864.
Relevant Constitution Article
Religion and Religious Societies and Rights to National Narrative
- Civil and political rights and duties shall be neither dependent upon nor restricted by the exercise of religious freedom.
- In each canton, and at the Federal level, enjoyment of civil and political rights and eligibility for public office shall be independent of religious affiliation.
- No person shall be required to disclose his religious convictions. The authorities shall have the right to inquire into a person’s membership of a religious society only to the extent that rights or duties depend upon it or that a statistical survey mandated by law so requires.
- No person may be compelled to perform any religious act or ceremony, to participate in religious exercises, or to take a religious form of oath.
- Notwithstanding the foregoing, it is acknowledged that religion is a crucial component of the identity and the national narrative of each canton in Lebanon. No individual person can invoke this Basic Law or any of the provisions herein or any human right or other “right” to try and modify the cantonal Basic Law or any restriction therein imposed by any canton on eligibility or any other law. Laws, rights, and obligations in any canton can only be modified by another cantonal Law.
- The right to preserve each canton’s national narrative, history, and religion is a Basic Law, as well as the right to preserve the “carte postale.” No claim by any individual or group to modify laws and regulations set by a canton in preservation on its “carte postale” is admissible in cantonal or Federal court.
- The freedom to form religious societies shall be guaranteed.
- Religious societies shall regulate and administer their affairs independently within the limits of the law that applies to all. They shall confer their offices without the participation of the canton or the civil community.
- Religious societies shall acquire legal capacity according to the general provisions of civil law.
- Associations whose purpose is to foster a philosophical creed shall have the same status as religious societies.
- Such further regulation as may be required for the implementation of these provisions shall be a matter for cantonal legislation.
- Property rights and other rights of religious societies or associations in their institutions, foundations, and other assets intended for purposes of worship, education, or charity shall be guaranteed.
- Holidays recognized by the canton shall remain protected by law as days of rest from work and of spiritual improvement.
- To the extent that a need exists for religious services and pastoral work in the army, hospitals, prisons, or in other public institutions, religious societies shall be permitted to provide them, but without compulsion of any kind.
- The four (4) national narratives are the founding principle of the federation.
- Each of the 18 named communities are identified as founding communities of the federation. As the right to believe and the right to disbelieve to “atheism” or “agnosticism” is also a founding principle.