Subsidiarity gives each political entity (at its level) almost absolute powers over its direct decisions. Solidarity requires from it to share its benefits with its direct environment.
Subsidiarity without solidarity leads to selfishness. Solidarity without Subsidiarity needs to “assistanat” (entitlement)
Relevant Constitution Article
Article 20 : Protection of basic rights – Principles of Subsidiarity and Article 20-bis : Protection of basic rights – Principle of Solidarity
- The Federal Republic of Lebanon is committed to democratic, social, and economically liberal principles, the rule of law, the principle of Subsidiarity, and the guarantees of basic rights as per this Basic Law.
- Each canton is committed to democratic principles, the rule of law, the principle of Subsidiarity, and the guarantees of basic rights as per this Basic Law.
- A canton may transfer sovereign powers by law with or without the consent of the Federal Parliament.
- The cantonal Parliamentshall have the right to bring an action before any court of justice to challenge a legislative act of the Federal Government or Parliament or any subdivision thereof for infringing the principle of Subsidiarity and cantonal sovereignty. The cantonal Parliament is obliged to initiate such an action at the request of one fifth of its Members.
- The cantons, through the Federal Parliament and the Federal Government, shall participate in matters concerning the Federation. a. The elected Members of the cantonal Parliament are de facto and de jure Members of the Federal Parliament. In other words, the Federal Parliament is comprised of the cantonal parliamentarians. b. The elected Prime Minister of each canton is a de facto and de jure Member of the Federal Government. The Federal Government is thus comprised of 4 Members. Each Member holds the seat of President of the Federal Republic for one (1) year.
- Any Federal decision, law, decree, action, or failure to act on a subject that either (i) falls within the domestic competence of the canton or (ii) impacts the canton or its citizens must be approved by cantonal Government to become enforceable.
- Insofar as, in an area within the exclusive competence of the Federation, interests of the canton are affected and in other matters, insofar as the Federation has legislative power, the Federal Government shall require the authorization of the cantonal Parliament prior to legislation.
Subsidiarity shall be accompanied at each level with a principle of Solidarity (municipal to municipal, cantonal to cantonal) in an attempt to narrow the wealth distribution and promote shared growth