There will be no federal voting
Relevant Constitution Article
Article 27 : No Federal Elections, Article 30 : Federal Parliament Electoral term – Convening, Article 51 : Exclusive legislative power of the Federation, and Article 52 : Concurrent legislative powers
- There are no elections of deputies at the Federal Level.
- The Federal Parliament is comprised of the duly elected Members of cantonal Parliaments. Each Member of such cantonal Parliament is a de facto and de jure member of the Federal Parliament.
- The Federal Parliament is comprised of the individuals elected for seats in the cantonal Parliaments.
- The Federal Parliament shall convene no later than the fortieth day after the cantonal parliamentary elections.
- The Federal Parliament shall determine when its sessions shall be adjourned and resumed.
- The President of the Federal Parliament may convene it at an earlier date. He shall be obliged to do so if one third of the Members and the Federal President so demand.
On matters within the exclusive legislative power of the Federation, the cantons shall have power to legislate only when and to the extent that the Federal Parliament has not legislated.
, and- On matters within the concurrent legislative power, the Federal Parliament shall have power to legislate so long as and to the extent that the canton has not exercised its legislative power by enacting a law.
- If the Federation has made use of its power to legislate, the cantons may enact laws at variance with this legislation. As for the relationship between federal law and law of the cantons, the latter shall supersede.